When you visit a web page, your computer stores a tiny text file – this is a cookie.
Using cookies is helpful for a number of other reasons. The encrypted information we store from them can help us fix errors on the site, or steer you towards particular items you might find useful. Remember, cookies can’t harm your computer, and we will never store sensitive data such as credit card details.
Some of our trusted suppliers and partners also set cookies during your visit and use this information to show you other products and services that might be of interest.
We’re constantly reviewing our cookie policy, both to meet the latest regulations and to improve your browsing experience. Your privacy is important to us, which is why we will always be honest and transparent about our cookie policies.
Need to know more?
For more information about cookies please visit www.aboutcookies.org
Safari on OSX
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
Google Chrome
For other browser types
Please refer to your instruction booklet or search online help files.
Third-party cookies
Some embedded content might include cookies from external websites. Because these are beyond our control, we recommend you visit these third party sites to confirm their cookie policies.