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Special offer for charity and rescue for dogs

Special offer of Dogs Center is directed to charity and rescue for dogs.

Dog Training in CumbriaThe training program includes:

  • determine the profile of the dog and it’s needs
  • obedience (‘sit’,’ down’, ‘stay’, ‘to me’, walking on leash)

In addition to the new owners:

  • how to properly take your dog to a new home
  • principles of feeding the dog and it’s care

The course consists of 8 lessons (adult dog) or 10 lessons (puppy/junior – up to 12 months).


Obedience for charity and rescueSpecial benefits:

  • 2 lessons free of charge for charity / rescue
  • 2 lessons free of charge for new owners
  • certified dog profile (printed and electronic)
  • free advertising charity / rescue on our sites
  • 5% permanent discount on the purchase of food and supplies in the online pet store (for charity/rescue and for new owner)


If you are interested in our offer or you have a comment or your own ideas, write to us:

[si-contact-form form=’3′]