Tag Archive obedience

Advanced Dog Obedience

You must complete a minimum of one cycle of Basic Dog Obedience before starting this course.


The aim of the group will be to gain better control of the dog on and off of the leash. The obedience level will be advanced and the challenges will be much higher and more interesting. We will successively introduce additional elements: jumping over obstacles, retrieving and others.

Each lesson has a different topic and they will not be repeated.

5 lessons take place in parks and 1 lesson in the City Centre.

Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced 1600×500 1
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
Advanced Dog Obedience
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One2One Dog Training

If you need 100% of our attention and want to meet individually at your home or other public place, then this bespoke dog training is just for you.

One2One Dog Training is a great idea when you want:

  • A higher level in less time
  • Working only with your needs
  • Train in a place you specify (e.g. at home)
  • Meeting on different days/times than classes
  • Specialized dog training

Not only to train dogs obedience but also:

For Puppy (2-8 months), if:

  • Nipping or puppy biting
  • Crate introducing
  • Destructive behaviour
  • Separation anxiety
  • Jumping on people

For Adult Dogs (more 8 months), if:

  • Reactivity / aggression
  • Nipping or biting
  • Separation anxiety
  • Crate introducing
  • Food guarding
  • Conflict between dogs at home

One2One session includes an assessment to classes!

BOOK One2One Dog Training today:

Where and when is Dog Training in Carlisle?

We do Puppy Classes and Obedience Course every Sunday morning (all year around) and/or Wednesday evening (Apr-Sep). The dog training commences weekly in different parks, for the best experience. You can join the group at any time.

How I can join Dog Obedience Course?

Before you join our Obedience Course:

      • Your dog must not be aggressive towards people and dogs
        (we can fix this problem on One2One)

      • We need to meet One2One to assess your dog.

    It would be the best to meet at your home where I will show you the basics and give you homework before you start the Obedience Course. I hope we can also find a few minutes for paperwork ?

    If it’s not possible meet at your house, we can meet for an assessment at a park in Carlisle.

    It will take around 45-60 minutes.

    The cost of this assessment depends on your postcode. The current price list can be found here.

    If you would like to join Obedience Course, then BOOK One2One NOW.

    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
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    Price List

    How much do you need to pay for puppy classes, dog obedience course or individual dog training? Find the best prices (for excellent quality) for dog training in Carlisle, Cumbria.


    Assessment to Puppy Classes and Obedience Course is include on One2One training.
    Before you join the group, you must book a one2one.

    Puppy Classes (up to 9 month):
    Block includes 8 lessons and 2 excuses. Price: £100 (upfront or £20 / lesson)
    No refunds will be given after starting the course.

    Obedience Course (from 9 months):
    Block includes 6 lessons and 2 excuses. Price: £100 (upfront or £25 / lesson)
    No refunds will be given after starting the course.

    Extra excuses:
    Heat – up to 4 excuses / 1 time per 6 months

    Absence is only excused if you send the message within the specified time. Anything else that is an absence and a lesson spent.

    10% – for an extension without a break
    20% – for an extension without a break (100% attendance)

    Price list:


    at any age

    Assessment to Puppy Classes and Obedience Course is include on One2One training.

    The price depends on the distance. Calculate how far is your postcode from CA1 2SP here: Google Maps

    Park in Carlisle£50£75
    < 5 miles£50£75
    6-10 miles£55£80
    11-15 miles£60£85
    16-20 miles£70£95
    21-25 miles£85£110
    26-30 miles£100£125
    One2One Dog Training

    When you and your dog is ready for group training:


    The course includes 8 lessons.
    Is the best program for puppies aged 2 to 9 months
    or £20 / lesson
    No refunds will be given after starting the course.
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
    Puppy Classes in Carlisle
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    The course includes 6 lessons.
    If your pup has more than 9 months it’s a good time to…
    or £25 / lesson
    No refunds will be given after starting the course.
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
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    All prices include tax and insurance. All our customers have free phone or online consultation if needed.

    All our customers have discount for training accessories in Pet Shop – here

    Group Dog Trainings are in Carlisle – read more where

    #DogTrainingCarlisle #K9Carlisle #K9DogsCentre

    Special offer for charity and rescue for dogs

    Special offer of Dogs Center is directed to charity and rescue for dogs.

    Dog Training in CumbriaThe training program includes:

    • determine the profile of the dog and it’s needs
    • obedience (‘sit’,’ down’, ‘stay’, ‘to me’, walking on leash)

    In addition to the new owners:

    • how to properly take your dog to a new home
    • principles of feeding the dog and it’s care

    The course consists of 8 lessons (adult dog) or 10 lessons (puppy/junior – up to 12 months).


    Obedience for charity and rescueSpecial benefits:

    • 2 lessons free of charge for charity / rescue
    • 2 lessons free of charge for new owners
    • certified dog profile (printed and electronic)
    • free advertising charity / rescue on our sites
    • 5% permanent discount on the purchase of food and supplies in the online pet store (for charity/rescue and for new owner)


    If you are interested in our offer or you have a comment or your own ideas, write to us:

    [si-contact-form form=’3′]

    Dog Obedience Course

    This is a basic course for you and your dog to become a good companion. This dog training is great for adult dogs (sometimes for teenagers from 9 months). Our goal will be the right relationship between you and your dog. And by the way, we will teach you how to teach your dog:

    • Walk on a loose leash
    • Come back to you on command
    • Sit or lie down on command
    • Meet dogs, pass cyclists, runners, people without being overly excited
    • Accept traffic, noise and various human objects
    Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle

    How I can join Dog Obedience Course?

    Before you join our Obedience Course:

        • Your dog must not be aggressive towards people and dogs
          (we can fix this problem on One2One)

        • We need to meet One2One to assess your dog.

      It would be the best to meet at your home where I will show you the basics and give you homework before you start the Obedience Course. I hope we can also find a few minutes for paperwork ?

      If it’s not possible meet at your house, we can meet for an assessment at a park in Carlisle.

      It will take around 45-60 minutes.

      The cost of this assessment depends on your postcode. The current price list can be found here.

      If you would like to join Obedience Course, then BOOK One2One NOW.

      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
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      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
      Dog Obedience Course in Carlisle
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      #DogTrainingCarlisle #DogsCentreCarlisle #K9Carlisle

      Puppy Classes

      You can start Puppy Classes as soon as your dog is fully vaccinated. Puppy Classes is dog training for dogs up to 8 months old.

      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
      Puppy Classes in Carlisle
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      We provide Puppy Classes in two groups:

      • Small and medium breeds
      • Medium and large breeds

      We will help you decide which group is better for you.

      Read More

      Dog Behaviour Problems

      Dog School in Carlisle

      Many dog behaviour is sometimes undesirable for us. Sometimes it is aggression towards other animals, children, women or men, and sometimes it is embarrassing for us when they bark at cyclists or jump towards our guests on his shoulders. No matter how bad it might seem, it is the task of this course is to help you understand why this is happening and how you can deal with it. The lessons are conducted individually, and their task is to show you how you can control your dog in such situations. The earlier you start the correction of “bad” behaviour of your pooch, the faster and better results can be achieved. Our goal is that you , together with your friend could live comfortably and consistently.

      If you’re wondering whether this course is for you, here are a few situations where it may be useful:

      • aggression towards animals and humans
      • barking at pedestrians, cyclists, cars, etc.
      • jumping during the welcome to the owner and/or visitors
      • fear of firecrackers and shots before another noise
      • fear while driving

      The FASTER the BETTER!

      Dog issue levels:

      We decided to identify several levels of dog behaviour problems


      Uncomfortable for you and embarrassing for your dog.

      • Pulling on the lead
      • Jumping
      • Recall problems
      • Separation Anxiety
      • Destructive Chewing
      • Barking / Howling / Whining at home
      • Peeing/pooing in the house
      • Fear of fireworks / loud noises


      Uncomfortable for you and dangerous for other animals.

      • Barking at other dogs or people
      • Food Guarding
      • Mouthing, Nipping and Biting in Puppies

      RED ZONE!

      Dangerous for people and animals!

      • Mouthing, Nipping and Play Biting in Adult Dogs
      • Aggression towards other dogs
      • Aggression towards people

      Book One2One Dog Training: